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Bigboy3591's Staff Application

Posted: 23/02/2021 14:44

What is your username?:Bigboy3591

What is your UUID? (

What is your Discord name?:Rodu#6691 

What is your current age?:I am 14 years old

What is your time zone?:CST

What is your native language?:My native language is English 

What is your total in-game time?:4 days 15 hours 35 minutes

How many total warns do you have?:I have 0 warns 

Do you have any previous experience?: I do not hvare any experience on any other server but you hvae to start somewhere 

Why are you interested in joining our staff team? (Minimum 50 words): I want to join the staff team because I think that this is a really nice server and i would love to be able to help with the new and old players. Somethimes players dont follow the rules such as griefing/trolling. and whenever anyone joins I normaly give them some good starter items but I would love to help even more. also I hvae some ideas/suggestions that might be nice to add to mkae the server an even better place! Over all I love the server and I would love to help even more!

Any other info? (Optional): I do not like to talk in vc

Edited: 23/02/21 14:59

Tags: #staff,#aplications

23/02/2021 18:25

Thanks for your application! It will be reviewed by our staff team.


23/02/2021 18:40

Positives: Playtime, Reason for wanting to join, No warns, All the requirements to apply

Neutrals: Not liking to talk in VC, No Experience

Negatives: -

Conclusion: I know that you are a very nice and helpful person, and i also dont think that the not liking to talk in VC is very bad, as long as you are active in chats and "talk" there, so I am willing to give you a chance.

Edited: 24/02/21 10:00


23/02/2021 19:29

Ok thank you so much!


23/02/2021 22:31


  • Very active 
  • Easy to talk to
  • Play time
  • Warnings
  • Spelling / Grammar (applications should be proof read as staff need to be professional)
  • Experience 
Overall: I believe that your application does meet the standard to become a staff member, however you need to just double check spelling/punctuation. Staff members do need to be professional, particularly dealing with punishment of players breaking the rules. 
Voice chat is not a deal breaker however we do sometimes have staff meetings to share ideas and speaking in that will save a huge amount of time and make our lives easier. To conclude I think you would be a good fit, just need to iron out the creases! 

Thank you for your application and best of luck!


23/02/2021 22:34

ok tysm i will work on that! but yes I do have bad spelling.

Edited: 23/02/21 23:08