What is your username?: UltimumStatera
What is your UUID?: 8bf7ef8c-85c2-452b-bfd6-27536d4bf48f
What is your Discord name?: Statera#9739
What is your current age?: 16
What is your time zone?: GMT+2
What is your native language?: romanian
What is your total in-game time?: 11 days, 2 hours, 23 min.
How many total warns do you have?: 0
Do you have any previous experience?: sadly no
Why are you interested in joining our staff team? (Minimum 50 words): i was serching for experience in maintaining something and a chanse to help the server im so invested in but also because i wanted to get to know better the staff team and their history on the server
Any other info? (Optional): i have a good eye for new ideas and projects but if not pushed form the back or requested i tend to say nothing, i like music but shy when i have to talk to more then 3 people, i dont have much english speach exercise so my english could be a bit raw